RMS Regional Maintenance Contract awarded to Asset Vision

Asset Vision has been awarded a 3-year contract with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) in NSW, to support RMS’ Regional Maintenance division in the delivery of asset maintenance outcomes across the state.

We are pleased to announce that Asset Vision has recently been awarded a 3-year contract to provide Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) in NSW with a Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS), and to support RMS’ Regional Maintenance division in the delivery of asset maintenance outcomes across the state.

We are looking forward to working closely with RMS to implement Asset Vision across NSW in the coming months, and providing RMS with a solid asset maintenance management foundation that can scale and grow to meeting changing business needs.

About Transport Roads & Maritime Service

Roads and Maritime is an operating agency within the Transport cluster. Transport for NSW is at the centre of the Transport cluster with responsibility for setting the strategic direction and guiding an extended network of public and private service delivery agencies to provide improved transport outcomes.

Further information is available at: www.rms.nsw.gov.au