International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Certification

Asset Vision has achieved International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Certification for the following standards:

  • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System (EMS)
  • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&S)
  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS)

Clients are placing an increasing importance on ISO Certification when awarding contracts. We see certification to these standards as critical when it comes to bidding for larger contracts and believe it will add to our competitive advantage over organisations who do not hold these certifications. Further, certification to these four ISO standards demonstrates our commitment to building a business that can compete on any stage globally.

ISO 27001:2013 – The increasing number of cyber related attacks has put data security and privacy in the spotlight and having a robust ISMS helps mitigate the risks associated with such attacks. Certification demonstrates that the ISMS Asset Vision has in place meets international standards and will give our current and future clients confidence that their data is protected. The management of data is critical to remaining compliant with the regulatory bodies and ensuring we are taking our responsibility as custodians of that data seriously.

ISO 14001:2015 – The issue of climate change and global warming is having an increasing impact on purchasing decisions and we only see this trend gaining momentum. Certification for our EMS demonstrates our commitment to minimising our impact on the environment. In North America, where we currently have a small revenue footprint, we are seeing an increasing focus in this area. We believe certification to these standards is socially responsible and critical when it comes to bidding for, and ultimately winning, new contracts.

ISO 45001:2018 – Where Data Security and Privacy (ISO 27001) and Environmental Impact (ISO 14001) have gained industry attention, so too has OH&S. Promoting a healthy working environment and ensuring we address legal, ethical and industrial relations concerns regarding worker safety, addresses our duty of care to our people. Importantly, it also communicates to our clients the commitment we have to our people against internationally recognised standards.

ISO 9001:2015 – Globally, the most recognised QMS standard aimed at helping organisations meet the needs of their customers and other stakeholders more effectively. The ability to reinforce quality processes is powerful and a clear demonstration of our internal company maturity. ISO 9001 certification remains a requirement in many tender processes, so certification is important to our ability to bid for and win work.

The certification process has involved months of internal work and a number of independent external audits and is part of our clear intention to build a global footprint for Asset Vision’s Intelligent Asset Management Platform.

Read the full ASX announcement here