Ventia goes live with Asset Vision for Port of Brisbane

Ventia has been using the Asset platform to efficiently and effectively manage road assets for the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), Brisbane Airport, Toowoomba Second Crossing and has added another adjacent contract to that list with the Port of Brisbane.

In April 2024, Ventia was awarded the Road Corridor Maintenance Services (RCMS) with Port of Brisbane, which includes 34km of roads, 8 bridges, 9.4km of open drains and 170 drainage structures, over 150ha landscaping and vegetation, boat ramps and more.

Asset Vision Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Damian Smith commented:

“We would like to congratulate Ventia on the award and go live of this new contract with Port of Brisbane and we are pleased to broaden our reach into this new category of contract managing Port Assets.”

For more information on Ventia and its contract with Port of Brisbane, please visit: